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Lumajang B-29 

B-29 is located in the village Lumajang Argosari, excl. Senduro about 40 Km from the city Lumajang. Lumajang B-29 is the highest peak of the peaks in the area of ​​Mount Bromo Travel. Which residents often refer to it as the land around above the clouds because of its height.

Lumajang B-29 itself is a term for this summit because it is located at an altitude of 2,900 meters above sea level. So from the summit we could see the beauty of the area freely Travel map of Bromo Tengger Semeru.

Or access road to this summit was fairly easy, but the road is winding, also because the streets are very steep, so the general tourists rarely come to this place. Perhaps only the backpackerlah which incidentally is very fond of adventure tourism are willing to come and stop at this place.

The location of the B-29 Lumajang is 40 Km from the city center Lumajang. From the city center take
direction Senduro then turn left and follow the road towards Kandangtepus up Argosari Village. Path is dominated by 10 to 40 degree incline and sharp turns typical mountain path in general. The road is paved smooth with no holes.

After arriving at the location of the tourists will be welcomed Welcome Area Tourism Village B-29 Argosari Senduro subdistrict, Lumajang. Can go on using a motorcycle or extra parking and hike about 2 hours to the top of the B-29. In the rainy season tourists are advised not to bring the motorcycle to the top because the roads slippery and dangerous.

Similarly, information about the B-29 Lumajang, may be useful.




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Crack adalah
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Crack sendiri mempunyai beberapa jenis diantaranya adalah keygen, serial number dan patch. Namun saya tidak akan membahasnya karena Semua jenis crack tersebut pada dasarnya adalah sama yaitu mendapatkan akses khusus pada sebuah software yang biasanya berbayar.

Nah kali ini saya akan share cara mencari & mendapatkan Crack software dengan mudah terbaru. 

Nah silahkan kalian cari crack, patch keygen, atau serial number software yang kalian inginkan pada website yang saya sediakan di bawah.

Ok, mungkin itu saja yang bisa saya bagikan, nantikan tips & tutorial menarik lainnya hanya di blog ini. Termakasih :)