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Sinterklas / santa clause

lirik lagu cinta kasih dalam natal by Roberth K.R. Hammar

Sayup terdengar tangisan suci di Betlehem
Tlah lahir juru selamat membawa perdamaian
Sayup terdengar jauh disana di Betlehem
Tlah penebus dosa membawa keslamatan

Mari marilah kita bersujud 
Menyambut kedatanganNya
Yesus juru selamat 
Penebus dosa manusia
Haleluya haleluya puji Tuhan
Cinta kasih dalam natal

Sayup terdengar tangisan suci di Betlehem
Tlah lahir juru selamat membawa perdamaian
Sayup terdengar jauh disana di Betlehem
Tlah penebus dosa membawa keslamatan

Mari marilah kita bersujud 
Menyambut kedatanganNya
Yesus juru selamat 
Penebus dosa manusia
Haleluya haleluya puji Tuhan
Cinta kasih dalam natal

ucapan selamat natal

Faith makes all things possible,
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.

Be a candle. Be a light. Be a twinkle in the dark. Be an inspiration & make a big difference in other’s heart! Merry Christmas.

May the good times n treasures of present bcome the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish u lots of love, joy, happiness. Merry x-mas.

Merry Christmas!
Hope Jesus’ Love & Peace Always Be With U ‘n Family Through This Wonderful Xmas ~

May Christ’s humility and simplicity inspire us in living our christian life. Merry christmas

Merry Christmas. May God be with us and in our heart always n ever.

May Christ’s humility and simplicity inspire us in living our christian life. Merry christmas

Merry Christmas, i wish God would hold u tight, n angels would keep u in sight, for u 2 have all the best.

This XMas Tree just for you. It brings with it HOPE, JOY, LOVE & Peace. Merry X Mas.

Dear friend, before the holly Santa Claus knock at your door, pls allow me to be the first person to wish you “A MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR” GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

I love you, You love me, We’re a happy family, with a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you, Won’t you say you love me TOO! I love you, You love me, We’re best friends like friends should be, With a great big hug, And a kiss from me to you, Won’t you say you love me too Melli Melli KLISMAS & Heppi Niu Year to YOU >:D< 

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Wishing you and family good health, happiness, prosperity and joy! 

Merry Christmas n Happy New Year to you n your family. May the spirit brings you joy n happiness, n wish you all the best for the coming year! 

May the good times n treasures of present bcome the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish u lots of love, joy, happiness. Merry x-mas. 

I may not C U rite now,
But Messages show that I remember U.
Merry Christmas to all of you.

Days are so fast!
So i wanna be the 1st 2 say “MERRY CHRISTMAS”.
Do u know what Christmas is?
It’s : Christ Has Risen In Spite The Most Adverse Sacrifices, have a great Christmas.

B-egin with
L-ove in CHRIST
E-xpect blessing
S-hare goodness
S-hine like the sun
l-nspire everybody
N-ever forget that
G-OD is always with u.

I am sorry for being late in sending you a very best wishes of Christmas. But i believe that Jesus Christ who was born newly in our heart, never be late in giving His blessings and graces to each of us especially to you who love and serve HIM. MERRY CHRISTMAS 

I wish you for an unforgetable X-Mas this year ~ May its spirit be your truly Graceful Guidance to reach love and dreams. Merry Christmas 

“May the light of X’mas that comes, wipe all the darkness and sadness away, and bringing joy, hope, love and happiness”. Have a very blesssed X’mas…. 

Today 24 dec, tomorrow 25 dec. Days are so fast! so i wanna be the 1st 2 say “MERRY CHRISTMAS” 

Do u know what Christmas is? It’s Simple : Christ Has Risen In Spite The Most Adverse Sacrifices, have a great Christmas..

puisi "Happy new year"

Happy New Year

semua yang telah terjadi pada selama ini,,
jangan lah kau jadikan beban dalam hidup mu,,
tersenyumlah dan sambutlah hari baru dengan semangat baru,,
bersemangat lah dan berlarilah menujuh masa depan,,
buang semua penah dan beban mu,,
karena waktu tidak akan menunggu mu,,
bersuka cita lah dan bergembira lah,,
ini lah akhir tahun dan akhir dari setiap masalah ,,
31 desenber adalah saat yang tepat utuk bersenang"
pada tanggal 1 januari sambutlah Tahun Baru,,
mulailah melangkah dengan lembaran baru,,
Selamat tahun baru untuk mu,,
 Happy New Year for we all,

puisi "merry Christmas"

Merry Christmas

Ding,,, Ding,,,Ding,,,
bunyi lonceng yang begitu merdu dan indah
di saat kesunyian malam,,,
aku mendengar bunyi itu,,
membuat aku bersembum merah,,
suasana mulai berubah,,
keceriaan ada pada setiap rumah keluarga,,
semua berharap kado yang istimewa,,
kado dari seorang kake tua,,
berbadan besar,jengot putih panjang, serta berseragam merah,,
suara tertawanya yang khas "Hohoho,,"
Kereta salju, katung kado serta para rusa,,,
itulah dia cirih khas dari seseorang yang bernama Santa Clous,,
pertanda kalou hari ini adalah hari Natal,,,
oleh sebap itu aku akan mengucapkan sebuah kalimat padamu,,
Merry Christmas,,

A Christmas poem

At Christmas little children sing and merry bells jingle,
The cold winter air makes our hands and faces tingle
And happy families go to church and cheerily they mingle
And the whole business is unbelievably dreadful, if you're single.


It's December and it’s more than two weeks away till Christmas.  What more germane than to have a Chrismassy poem in here.  For this, I have taken A Christmas Poem, aptly titled, from Wendy Cope’s collection Two Cures For Love.

Just like the bells that jangle and jingle in rhythm, this poem rhymes at the end of lines, at end stops.  There are no enjambements for Cope to work on here. Also, this kind of rhyming is preponderant in most of the poems in her collection. Here, when it is utilized it works particularly well. 

At the start the rhythm is regular and uplifting:

At Christmas little children sing and merry bells jingle,

… till you reach jingle, when there is a reversal of the rhythm, from uplifting to a downward lilt.  There is an imperceptible jolt in this disruption, but the import of jingle hides this.  The lines, by rights grammatically, should have ended at the end of the line with a full-stop. But, no, merriment seems to be carrying on still, to the next line, even if there has been an end-stopping, heavily at that, underpinned by a comma. 

But, does it? The string of short vowels in line one, with the exception of ‘At’ and ‘and merry bells’, is taken over with a heavy ‘The cold’; very foreboding, this, as you’ll see at the last line. The rhythm also breaks the regularity here, at first, in the first half of the line. But after that the remaining half carries on in regularity: ‘our hands and faces tingle’.

Beneath the happiness of the third line, we get ready for what is to come in the last line. 
‘church’ and ‘cheerily’ is alliterative of ‘Christmas’; as traditionally this season is all church and midnight mass and cheer afterwards. Keep in mind the fricative of ‘families’, because the plurality of families contrasts sharply with the singularity of being alone. And, this is ‘dreadful’.  ‘Whole’ rhymes neatly with ‘cold’, to remind us of the utter coldness of being single. Cope marks this dreadfulness with the second comma of the poem, with a poignant pause and another reminder of this dreadfulness with the fricative of ‘if’. 

The rhyming works so well here: There is jingle and tingle, and people and families mingle, but not if you’re single.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

ucapan selamat natal terbaru

Ditepi palungan-Mu ya Tuhan kami bertelut
Menyatu dengan para gembala
Kami sering menyerah pada roh ketakutan
kami takut suarakan Kebenaran
kami takut hadirkan Kasih-Mu didunia
kami takut kurus bila menempuh jalan lurus
Semoga Terang Natal akan tinggal di Hati kita dan menjadi terang bagi keluarga. Serta sesama. Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru.
Christmas is forever, not just one day
For loving, sharing, are not to put away
Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year !
“Buka HATI ada damai. Buka MATA ada terang. Buka KASIH ada sukacita. Buka SMS ada ucapan SELAMAT HARI NATAL & TAHUN BARU 2012. TUHAN BESERTA KITA”
“Mari kita menjadi pembawa cinta kasih, damai dan terang bagi dunia. Selamat Natal, semoga kehidupan kita dan keluarga selalu dipenuhi dengan cinta dan damai.”
“Selamat hari natal n tahun baru. Semoga rahmat dan damai Bayi Natal dilimpahkan di tengah keluarga, karya dan dalam pelayanan”
“Serpihan malam bulan separuh, jelang hari baru pertanda tiba. Kembang api membuncah ke angkasa sambut tahun muda 2012. Selamat tahun baru 2012 semoga lebih baik dibanding tahun sebelumnya.”
“Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, kami sangat berterimakasih bila ucapan Natal & Tahun Baru tidak berupa kartu atau SMS, tapi UANG TUNAI”
“Kasih TUHAN YESUS tidak lekang oleh panas, tidak lapuk oleh hujan, karena itu mari kita balas dg mempersembahkan hidup kepadaNya. Merry XMas & happy new year.”
“Semoga Terang Natal akan tinggal di Hati kita dan menjadi terang bagi keluarga. Serta sesama. Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru.”
“ingin Q jabat tangan kalian semua tapi apalah daya jarak memisahkan kita.moga-moga damai natal di tahun nich selalu menyertai kita sekalian . met natal n tahun baru 2012.”
“Mari kita menjadi pembawa cinta kasih, damai dan terang bagi dunia. Selamat Natal, semoga kehidupan kita dan keluarga selalu dipenuhi dengan cinta dan damai.”
“Bahagia di hati, saat dengar lonceng berdentang tanda hari Natal telah tiba. Gloria in exelcis Deo! Damai di bumi, damai di hati. Merry Merry Christmas.”
“This XMas Tree just for you. It brings with it HOPE, JOY, LOVE & Peace. Merry X Mas.”
“Hola, i made a step into ur heart just to say.. MERRY XMAS For U.”
“Dear friend, before the holly Santa Claus knock at your door, pls allow me to be the first person to wish you “A MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR” GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.”
“Selamat Natal, moga damai dan kasih Yesus memenuhi kita semua beserta seluruh umat manusia. Gloria in exelsis Deo :) ”
“Merry Christmas n Happy New Year to you n your family. May the spirit brings you joy n happiness, n wish you all the best for the coming year!”
“Hot tea! Specially 4 u mixed with 1 tsp. of love, 2 tsp. of joy, 3 tsp. of peace. Hope U feel the peace of X Mas! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.”
“Simple music can make U sing. Simple hug makes U feel better. Simple things can make U happy. Hope my Simple Merry XMas & Happy New Year will make U smile :) ”

merry christmas and happy new year