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makalah bahasa inggris tentang reading (teks narative)


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb                          

Alhamdulillahhirobil'alamin gratitude we pray that the presence of Allah SWT has given grace and guidance to us all, so that we can finish this paper “
Reading 3” of Narrative text.
Furthermore we would like to thank the lecturer for the course of reading 3 who always provide direction and guidance to facilitate the preparation of this paper. And to friends who have given us the spirit and encouragement so that this paper can be resolved.
Hopefully this paper can be useful to readers in general and we beg criticism and suggestions for better progress.
Wassamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Jember, 28 october 2013


A.   The Background of the Analysis
In English there are many different types of text, narrative text, descriptive, report, etc. In reading the course we will discuss the different types of the text. And one of the texts which we discuss in this paper is a narrative text.
What is Narrative Text? Narrative Text Narrative text is a text text which contains about fantasy, fairy tales, or a true story that has been exaggerated. There is usually a moral to be learned at the end of the story. Example of narrative text can be folk tales, animal stories, legends, myths, short stories, comic, cartoon, and others.
Therefore, on this occasion we will discuss about the Narrative text clearly. ranging from linguisticcharacteristics, sentence structure and other components.

B.   Purpose
1. To know the definition of  Narrative text.
2. To know the Structure Narrative text.
3. To know the characteristics of Narrative text.
4. To know the difference between a Narrative and Recount text.

  1. Definition of Narrative
Narrative text is a text text which contains about fantasy, fairy tales, or a true story that has been exaggerated. There is usually a moral to be learned at the end of the story. Example of narrative text can be folk tales, animal stories, legends, myths, short stories, comic, cartoon, and others.
  1. The purpose of text
To amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; Narrative deal with problem attic event .
  1. Generic Structure of Narrative text
They are:
1) Orientation: sets the scene and introduction the participants (Character, place and time)
2) Complication: crisis arise.
3) Evaluation: Optional.
4) Resolution or also called solution: The crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.
5) Reorientation: the cover of the story: optional
6) Coda: changes in the figures and the lessons to be learned from the story
Also sometimes there is a complicated storyline and complex, so the structure of the story can be shaped:

  1. Language Feature of Narrative Text.
They are:
a.    Use active verbs.
b.    Use past tense.       
c.    Use conjunction.
d.    The first person (I or We) or the third person (He, She, or They).
e.    Use specific nouns.
f.     Use adjective and adverbs

E.     Example:  The Legend of Malin Kundang

Once Upon a time, lived a diligent boy named Malin Kundang. He lived in the seashore with his mother. They were very poor, but they lived quiet and harmonious.
One day, a big ship closed to the beach near their village. They asked peoples to join work in their ship and went to the cross island. Malin Kundang wanted to join with them because he wanted to improve his familys life. But his mother didnt permit him. She worried to Malin.
Malin still kept his argument and finally he sailed with the bigship.
Several years later, Malin Kundang succed and he became rich trader. Then, he came to his native village with his beatiful wife, but his wife didnt know Malins real descent. His happy mother quickly approached Malin and brought a plate of village cake, Malins Favorite. But Malin didnt admit that woman as his poor mother, and then he kicked the village cakewhich brought by his mother until scattered.

His mother very broken heart because MAlin rebellious to her, who had growth him. Then, his mother cursed Malin became stone.
Suddenly, the bigship which Malins had was vacillated by a big storm and all of his crewman tossed aside out. Malin realized that was his fault that rebellious his mother. He bowed down and became a stone.

F.     Kinds of Narrative Text:

  A. Myth
A traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people.  A story of great but unknown age which originally embodied a belief regarding some fact or phenomenon of experience, and in which often the forces of nature and of the soul are personified; an ancient legend of a god, a hero, the origin of a race, etc.; a wonder story of prehistoric origin; a popular fable which is, or has been, received as historical.
- The Myth Of Malin Kundang

B. Legends

Legends also stories that have been made, but they are different from the myth. myth reply questions about the workings of nature, and is set in a time long ago, before written history. Legend of the people and the actions or deeds. People are living in a more recent and is mentioned in history. Stories submitted for the purpose and is based on the facts, but they do not really exist.

- Story Of Lake Tobe

C. Fables
Fables are about animals that can talk and act like a man, or a plant or
forces of nature such as lightning or wind.
Plants may be able to move and speak and natural forces cause things to happen
in the story because of their strength.


D. Fairy Tales
Fairy tales are stories written specifically for children, often about magical characters such as elves, fairies, goblins and ogres. Sometimes animal characters.

- Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

G.   Differences of Narrative Text and Recount Text
Generic Structure dari Narrative Text: 
OrientationIt is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana) 
  • ComplicationWhere the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang)
  • ResolutionWhere the problems in the story is solved. Masalah selesai, --- secara baik "happy ending" ataupun buruk "bad ending".
  • Reorientation
  • Coda
Recount Text atau Teks Experiences merupakan teks yang berisi dan menggambarkan pengalaman masa lalu dengan menceritakan kembali peristiwa dalam urutan yang terjadi (kronologis). Tujuan dari recount text atau experiences teks adalah untuk menceritakan kembali peristiwa dengan tujuan baik menginformasikan atau menghibur audiens.
Generic Structure of Recount

1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time. (Menceritakan siapa saja yang terlibat dalam cerita, apa yang terjadi, di mana tempat peristiwa terjadi, dan kapan terjadi peristiwanya)

2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past. (Menceritakan apa yang terjadi (lagi) dan menceritakan urutan ceritanya)

3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story. ("Reorientation" berisi komentar pribadi penulis cerita dan penutup cerita / akhir cerita)

Language Feature of Recount

• Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc

• Using chronological connection; then, first, etc

• Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc

• Using action verb; look, go, change, etc

• Using simple past tense

Narrative Text
Recount Text
Definisi / Pengertian

“Narrative” is a text telling a story focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.

“Recount” is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.
Generic Structure
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
2.  Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
3. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
Language Feature
1. Using processes verbs
2. Using temporal conjunction
3. Using Simple Past Tense
1. Introducing personal participant;
2. Using chronological connection; then, first, etc

Jika disimpulkan, maka sebuah narrative text adalah teks yang berisi sebuah cerita baik tertulis ataupun tidak tertulis dan terdapat rangkaian peristiwa yang saling berhubungan yang mementingkan adanya sebuah konflik dan solusinya sedangkan recount adalah sebuah teks yang berisi sebuah cerita dimana didalamnya menceritakan kembali baik berupa cerita maupun pengalaman yang dialami oleh penulis dan orang yang diceritakan.

A.   Summary
Narrative text is a text text which contains about fantasy, fairy tales, or a true story that has been exaggerated. There is usually a moral to be learned at the end of the story. Example of narrative text can be folk tales, animal stories, legends, myths, short stories, comic, cartoon, and others. If concludedit is anarrative text is a text which contains a story in the form of written or unwritten, and there is a series ofinterconnected events that emphasizes the existence of a conflict and the solution while the recount is atext that contains a story in which in the form retell stories and the experiences of the author and the people who described.

Turmudi, Dedi. (2012). Smart and Skillfull Writer Developing Writing 2 Rivesed Edition. Bandar Lampung. 

Teyeregoh, Adrianus. 2011. Definition of Procedure Text. diakses 9 oktober 2012

Anonim. 2013. Narrative Text Pengertian Dan Contoh . diakses 13 Maret 13.

cara melatih rasa percaya diri dengan mudah

Trik dan tips yang bisa anda gunakan untuk melatih rasa percaya diri anda.
  • Rapikan diri anda. Mungkin anda beralasan bahwa anda bukan orang yang rapi. Sehingga apa yang anda tampilkan pun jauh dari kerapian. Padahal bila anda tampil rapi, anda akan lebih percaya diri. Silakan coba dan rasakan peningkatan rasa percaya diri terjadi pada anda.
  • Rasakan situasi positif. Dimana pun anda, coba rasakan situasi positif di tempat tersebut. Rasakan bahwa orang-orang di sekeliling anda menyambut baik anda, lingkungan juga tersenyum pada anda.
  • Pelihara mental positif. Bahwa apa yang anda lakukan akan berjalan dengan baik dan anda juga akan baik-baik saja. Fokus pada sisi positif akan membuat anda percaya diri.
  • Kurangi bilang “tapi”. Mungkin anda sering mengatakan kata tersebut. Misal anda mengatakan “ingin sukses, tapi saya hanya orang biasa.” “anda ingin kaya tapi tidak bisa ini itu dan sebagainya.”
    Sebaiknya mulai sekarang kurangi mengatakan kata “tapi”. Kata “tapi” membuat anda yang semula hendak maju, kembali mundur. “Tapi” membuat anda terbiasa membuat alasan dan tidak melakukan ACTION!
  • Temukan apa yang anda takutkan dan ACTION-kan. Kalau anda takut berbicara di muka umum, ACTIONKAN itu. Kalau anda takut menatap wajah orang lain, lakukan itu. Temukan apa yang anda takutkan, dan ACTIONKAN!
  • Jangan menunda. Penundaan menimbulkan ketakutan. Semakin sering anda menunda, ketakutan itu akan kian menggumpal dan pikiran anda mulai mencari-cari alasan bahwa penundaan yang anda lakukan itu benar.  Padahal, semakin lama anda menunda berarti semakin lama anda membiarkan diri anda tidak meningkatkan kualitas diri.
  • Ingat momen ketika anda merasa begitu percaya diri. Coba ingat-ingat kapan anda merasa begitu percaya diri sehingga tangan anda tidak gemetaran dan tidak ada keringat dingin mengucur dari kening anda? Saat itu anda bicara dengan lancar dan lawan bicara anda bisa merasakan rasa percaya diri anda.
    Ingat momen tersebut setiap kali anda merasa didera kehilangan percaya diri. Rasa percaya diri anda akan tumbuh dengan seketika.
  • Awas penyakit perfeksionis. Mencari kesempurnaan selain menyita banyak energi dan waktu, juga bisa mengikis habis rasa percaya diri. Sebab, misal saat anda mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan yang menurut anda tidak kunjung seperti harapan, lambat laun anda akan meragukan kemampuan diri anda.
    Hindari mencari kesempurnaan. Yang penting lakukan ACTION yang terbaik.
  • Lakukan ACTION dengan penuh percaya diri. Agar anda percaya diri, anda harus melakukan ACTION dengan percaya diri. Ketidakpercayaan diri seseorang bisa dilihat dari ACTION-nya.
    Demikian pula sebaliknya. Ketika anda bertindak penuh percaya diri, orang-orang akan menilai anda sebagai orang yang percaya diri. ACTION yang penuh percaya diri akan membuat anda bertambah percaya diri.
    Apa saja tindakan sederhana yang sering dilakukan agar anda terlihat percaya diri? Duduklah dengan tegak, lakukan kontak mata, bicara jelas, kemukakan pendapat anda, dan tersenyumlah.
Tujuan hidup setiap orang di dunia ini pastilah untuk menjadi lebih baik. Lebih baik dari kemarin, lebih baik dari bulan lalu atau tahun kemarin. Cara yang baik untuk menjadi lebih baik adalah dengan meningkatkan apa yang sudah bisa anda kerjakan; atau membuat bisa apa yang belum anda bisa lakukan selama ini. Apa yang belum anda bisa lakukan, jadikan itu sebagai tantangan, lalu ACTION-kan sehingga menjadi sebuah pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri anda menjadi lebih baik.
Percaya diri merupakan salah satu kunci sukses dalam hidup. Banyak orang sukses memiliki rasa percaya diri yang baik.